Most Ventnor Residents Don’t Know They’re Paying For This…
Do you know everything your taxes pay for?
NJ.com says Ventnor doesn't. The beach town turned to Facebook to ask residents if they wanted to renew their contract with Margate that would allow Ventnor residents to continue to use the Anne Pancoast dog park located about a block away from the Ventnor border since they don't have room for one of their own.
Sounds all well and good, right? Apparently, not so much. Allegedly, most Ventnor residents weren't even aware of the fact that this agreement even existed between the neighboring cities. So naturally, people were slightly irked that this is only becoming common knowledge at the tail-end of the deal. You can understand their frustration.
So far, the Facebook poll is showing the majority of Ventnor residents are in favor of renewing so their furry family members will have a space to frolic and play. The matter comes to a vote by those in charge this week.
Do it for the doggies, guys!
Source: NJ.com
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