NJ teen smashes police windshield and they don’t mind, here’s why
How does a kid smash out the back window of a police cruiser in Millville and they end up posing for a picture with him? Is it some kind of fundraiser?
Take a baseball bat to an old police car and get three swings $20? Well, it does involve a baseball bat but nothing about fundraising.
Making news this week is Sol Elmer. Sol is 13 years old. He’s part of a travel team playing baseball for the South Jersey Bulls. They’re part of the Tri-State Elite Baseball League.
In a recent game, the Bulls had bases loaded when Sol Elmer (doesn’t that already sound like a pro player’s name?) stepped up to the plate. He rips one for a grand slam home run that went sailing over a 10-foot fence and easily 15 feet into a parking lot on the other side, 330 feet in all.
Wouldn’t you know the ball hit and took out the back windshield of a Millville Police Department’s Ford Explorer SUV.
But hey, they’re fans of baseball and fans of kids being involved in healthy sports. So what did they do? Posed for a picture with the slugger by their shattered window and posted the following on their Facebook page.
Finding one of our patrol vehicles damaged is not cool. Finding out the youngest player on the team hit a grand slam which caused said damage….pretty cool!
It included a pic of #84, Sol Elmer.
Great job and we hope for nothing but success in your season. All we ask is to hit any future home runs in Millville more towards center or left field if you can thanks.
Great to see police with good hearts and a good sense of humor.
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