Not Sure You Can Call NJ’s Favorite Spot To Fill The Tank A “Gas Station”
It probably comes as no shock to people that live within the vicinity of any Wawa location that it was named New Jersey's favorite gas station.
That calls into question, though, what category of store residents of the Garden State would actually categorize the Wawa franchise as in the first place. Is Wawa really just a gas station? Those of us who grew up with it would have to disagree. After all, it's not like that's how the franchise originated.

Wawa first came into being out in the suburbs of Philadelphia back in the 1800s. Most people who reside somewhere in the Delaware Valley know that the origins of the store with the geese logo actually lie on a diary farm started by a man named George Wood. It's come a long way in the last 200+ years. Yes, now the "Super Wawas" do offer gas, but to reduce Wawa to simply a gas station just seems wrong.
No doubt, that's why people always seem to rank it supreme.
Wawa now is so much more than somewhere just to top off your tank. If you're not a huge fan of their coffee, then you've definitely taken part in your fair share of Hoagiefest deals. This specific convenience store is, pretty much, in a league all of its own. It's hard to define what it is exactly, because even just calling it a convenience store doesn't seem to fit the bill.
Would some argue that point? Of course. After all, haters are always going to hate. But, one thing is absolutely certain; Wawa is something more than just a gas station. It's just Wawa. Call it what you will.
Sources: Wawa.com
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