It's always fun to ask people in New Jersey what they would do if they hit the lottery.

Inevitably, you'll hear, "I'm movin' out of this state!"

While we all love New Jersey (and, clearly, it's the best state in the nation), we have our issues here and some of those things are pushing people out of the Garden State.

Taxes alone are a big reason why people are moving down south to places like Florida and the Carolinas. Cold winters don't help, either, nor does the high cost of living.

Top states for people moving out of NJ

In fact, according to, here's a sample of the top ten states that people in New Jersey are moving to:

1. Florida
5. Texas
7. North Carolina
8. Georgia
10. South Carolina

Florida - Photo: Google Maps

But it's also interesting to note that while those southern states are destinations for those in New Jersey, some of those same states rank high for people moving to New Jersey.

Top states for people moving to NJ

Florida, for example, ranks third-highest for people moving from there to here (maybe those people all got tired of looking at palm trees and wanted to see traffic jams on the Turnpike instead?).

We recently turned to our friends at Stacker, which recently took a deep dive into some census data and they determined the top 25 states that are sending the most people to New Jersey.

If you've been seeing a lot of California, Texas, and Virginia license plates around here lately, this will explain why.

LOOK: States sending the most people to New Jersey

Stacker compiled a list of states where the most people are moving to New Jersey using data from the Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

Why Those Moving to NJ are in For a Very Rude Awakening

New to New Jersey? Here's a crash course on what to expect in and from the great Garden State.

Gallery Credit: Chris Coleman

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