A Gloucester County man has admitted to willfully evading more than $3.4 million in taxes.

54-year-old Jose Camilo Perez, Jr., of Sewell recently pleaded guilty before Chief U.S. District Judge Renée Marie Bumb to one count of tax evasion.

Federal authorities say Perez controlled a company that digitized medical records for hospitals and other healthcare entities.

From 2016 through 2023, the business received more than $8 million for the services it performed. Perez attempted to evade the assessment of federal income taxes by cashing checks payable to the business at a check cashing business rather than depositing those checks into the business’s bank account or his personal bank account, and then he used the cash for personal expenses and to pay payroll.

From 2016 through 2023, Perez did not report any of the income he received from the business to the IRS. As a result, Perez evaded income taxes of more than $3,400,000.

Perez now faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Sentencing is scheduled for May 20th.

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