Thousands Already Donated For Cute Pup Hit By Truck In Linwood NJ
A dog was struck by a truck on Shore Road in Linwood, and a Go Fund Me page has already raised thousands of dollars in an effort to save the pup.
In a post on the public "Atlantic County Lost and Found Pets" Facebook page is a photo of the dog, which was struck by a vehicle about 11am Tuesday morning on Shore Road.

Photos on the GoFundMe page and on the Facebook page show the devastating injuries the dog, Snow, suffered as a result of the accident.
According to the post, the driver did not stop after hitting the dog, and the owner is "absolutely devastated." The post says veterinarian bill estimate is $10,000.
A GoFundMe page has been established to help with the vet bill for Snow, and as of 4:30am today, over 90 people had donated over $4,000 for the pup's care.
Owner Giuliana Modugno had this to say about the dog and the accident on the Go Fund Me page:
"She is a beautiful, sweet, docile, and charming German Shepherd who's love and loyalty is immense. She is 2 years old and full of life, we love her like our own child.The person who did this left the scene and we have little to no information on who they are. All we know is that our dog is in very bad condition and the man was driving a red truck, hit her going about 40 MPH, and drove off even faster.Two witnesses saw this happen, we are also contacting the stores in the vicinity to inquire if they have any cameras on their property that may have captured the make of the vehicle or the license plate.The police are investigating as well."
Donations to Snow's care can be made here.
According to an article from law.justia.com, any driver in new Jersey who hits a domestic animal, like a dog, is required to report the accident:
4:22-25.1. Motorist hitting domestic animal to stop; report
Each person operating a motor vehicle who shall knowingly hit, run over, or cause injury to a cat, dog, horse or cattle shall stop at once, ascertain the extent of injury, report to the nearest police station, police officer, or notify the nearest Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and give his name, address, operator's license and registration number, and also give the location of the injured animal.
SOURCES: Facebook, GoFundMe, and Law.Justia.com.
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