Welcome To New Jersey Where You Experience All Four Seasons In One Day
Ah, New Jersey. People either hate it or love it; there really is no in-between.
That goes for residents, too. You either live in the Garden State and love doing so, or you're counting down the days until you can get out of dodge. Most people that live in New Jersey love all the perks that come with this prime piece of real estate. Certainly don't love the cost of actual real estate here in the Garden State, but that's a story for another day.

Today, we're discussing something everyone that calls NJ home can agree with, and that's the fact that you never know how many seasons you'll experience on any given day.
What do I mean by that?
Take a look on any Jersey-centric Facebook Group and you'll come across at least one meme making fun of the fact that you could wake up in the Garden State have have it feel like Alaska only to have it feel like Spring has sprung by the time your lunch break rolls around. That may sound like an exaggeration, but any Jersey resident will assure you it's not.
It's currently February and already we've had over a foot of snow here in South Jersey this month in addition to a handful of days that have felt like mid-May outside. It truly makes sense why South Jersey has so many casinos. As Frank Sinatra would say, "Luck be a lady....," and that's exactly the tune you sing as your feet hit the ground in the morning and you're deciding what to wear.
The way to be the most prepared for the crazy weather and temperature changes here in the Garden State? Layer.
Wear enough layers so you're not too chilly in the morning, but just be prepared to shed your sweatshirt and cardigan by about 1 p.m. Chances are, you won't need them anymore.
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