I'll be the first to admit that there are some really great-looking people that happen to call the Garden State home. It's common knowledge that sun damage does horrible things to our skin. I was SHOCKED to learn that there are a lot of people not doing enough to protect their skin during the summer months.

Full disclosure: I've used a tanning bed once or twice in my life. For one, I grew up here in New Jersey. It's safe to say that for some people in my high school tanning was a hobby. The tanner the better, unfortunately. All the 90s babies will tell you that's true. We grew up in MTV's OG Jersey Shore era. What do you want from us? It was all about "GTL," baby! "GTL" means "gym, tanning, laundry," for all you boomers that aren't familiar with Jersey Shore vernacular.

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Most people ditch the tanning beds in their mid-20s these days, so hopefully we don't have too much damage to deal with later down the road. My days of applying tanning lotion on the beach are over. You'll see me with spray-on sunblock that's AT LEAST got SPF 30 or higher. I even try to make sure I'm protected on cloudy days.

I was shocked to read that not everybody's equally as concerned about sun damage.

Believe it or not, it's not even just sun damage that Gen Z and Millennials don't seem to care about. A new survey shows that 9 in 10 people in those two demographics don't even regularly see a dermatologist. To add insult to injury, the majority of people don't even bother to put sunblock on when it's cloudy outside.

Did we not learn that UV rays are still harmful even if the sun isn't shining?

Be sure to bring your sunscreen with you when you head out on your outdoor excursions this summer. It's better to lather up now than to wish you had later on in life.

Source: NCLotions.com

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