Cumberland County Pro Tip: Always Look Right Into the Camera
The Cumberland County Sheriff's Department is attempting to identify a person regarding an investigation.
Suspect caught on camera
Pro Tip: When you're trying to be inconspicuous, it might be a good idea to NOT LOOK RIGHT INTO THE LENS OF A SECURITY CAMERA!
The Cumberland County Sheriff's Department says it's attempting to identify this person caught on camera.
The Sheriff's Department aren't providing any information about any alleged incidents -- only that they need help identifying this person.
If you can help, you're urged to contact the department at (856)451-4449 ext. 25100. You can also submit an anonymous tip at https://ccsonj.opsnetwork.org.
Cumberland County suspects round up
Elsewhere in Cumberland County, police departments are looking to idenifty persons of interest. From Millville:
One more. From the Vineland Police Department:
The public is reminded that charges are accusations and all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
SOURCES: Cumberland County Sheriff's Department, Millville Police Department,
Pokemon of South Jersey
Gallery Credit: Joe Kelly
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