EHT: Land of Mattress Stores and Dollar Generals or Is It More?
So, how do you feel about where you live?
I belong to a Facebook group. "Original Egg Harbor Township Area Happenings 08234", along with well over 13,000 other people.
(Egg Harbor Township's population is about 42,000+ people.)
I asked people to give their response to this: "In one sentence, describe Egg Harbor Township."
I was hoping I'd get a few responses. I was very surprised that in the first four hours I received nearly 200 responses.

Since technically it's a "private group" I won't share the identities of those who responded, but I will share some of the thoughts on the township that were shared.
I will say that I am an EHT resident - for over 22 years - and I love where I live. I always say - about all of South Jersey - that we live where other people choose to vacation.
So, let's get to the responses - and I'm limiting this to the first 200 or so responses, because people are continuing to respond to the post.
I would say the responses have ranged from those happy to those angry, and everywhere in between. There were also the funny responses - my personal favorite!
Let's start with the mattress stores and Dollar General Stores. Several people pointed out the apparent proliferation of these stores in the township, and they're not happy with it!
+Dollar generals and mattress stores.
+The mattress shops and Dollar Generals!
+There’s a mattress place and dollar general on every corner!
+If you're looking for a golf course, liquor store, Dollar General, or Wawa come to EHT. We have them in bulk.
+A lot of Dollar Generals and mattress stores.
+Too many Dollar Generals
+Dollar stores over resident development
OK, so I checked. Within the township there are 3 Dollar General stores and, actually, a BUNCH of places where you can purchase a mattress.
Sorry, folks, nobody to blame for that other than you and you neighbors. These companies spend tens of thousands of dollars researching the best places for their stores, and apparently their research says EHT residents like to spend a lot of time purchasing low cost retail goods, and a lot of time in bed - a new bed! If you don't like these stores, stop shopping there and go by your mattresses in Mays Landing!
OK... onto the good answers. A lot of people really love where they live (like me).
A former political leader in the township (remember it's a private group) described EHT this way:
68 mi.² a very diversity nice people more waterfront than any other town in the state of New Jersey still have plenty of trees Great Shopping wonderful volunteers who make it a great place to live.
I LOVE that! I also had no idea about the waterfront - that's pretty cool!
Some of the others who commented positively, mentioned the diversity of the people, the landscape, the things to do in the township, the proximity to the beach and ocean, good schools, golf courses, and more.
+As the “Heart of Atlantic County”, EHT is a one giant melting pot full of diverse people, places and establishments that encompass all the best thing South Jersey has to offer, just far enough inland to enjoy the peace and serenity of the woods and distance from the more congested tourist attractions, yet in the same breath, are there for your choosing and just a hop skip and jump away from all the attraction, like the beach/bay, boardwalks, casinos, fishing, hiking, kayaking etc, that draws tourists here in the first place!
+Melting pot of Atlantic County and beyond (in a good way)
Several mentioned the spirit of volunteers in the township, the feeling of community, and the people:
+Awesome community, sports , volunteers, coaches, teachers, police and firefighters, parks , community center.
+A very nice rural community made up of wonderful families!
+Best volunteers
+A community that has and will continue to come together for our neighbors in need.
+EHT may be a big town, but we’re a tight-knit community.
+100% volunteer fire companies that go above and beyond for our township and they do it for no money what so ever!
Negative responses seemed to touch on high taxes (isn't that true for EVERYWHERE in New Jersey?), potholes (again, isn't that true of everywhere?) and out-of-control development:
+My taxes are $9800 a year.
+Taxes r insane....mostly school taxes and our kids havent gone to school for almost a year now.
+Taxes are insane and our roads need to be fixed.
+Taxes are ridiculous, potholes are horrible
+Lovely open,non-developed areas being destroyed by greedy,tax hungry politicians. What a shame.Is all this development decreasing ANY of your taxes???
+It's way too big, even when you don't live close to the main part of EHT, but are still considered EHT so you have to drive your kids 20 minutes to school, sports, friends, etc...not a fan.
Again, I'm not sure that other locations don't have many of the same problems.
PS... If you're so unhappy, why not move elsewhere? Although, remember what they say about "the grass is always greener..."
Hey, I did mention the funny - and we did have those. My favorite are the mentions about people constantly complainting on social media about noises,shaking, and such:
+"What’s that sound I hear?”
+Did anyone else feel their house shake?
+People asking each other if they heard that loud bang on social media
Here are some of the really funny comments:
+Can’t spell ghetto without EHT
+Piney want-to-be.
+Too many Karens!
+People that complain about EVERYTHING.
+People wear pajamas at Walmart
+Make sure you include that Julianos is not open at 6 am
+Defiantly not Linwood. (NOTE: This person did say 'defiantly' - which really DOES define EHT!)
+Hate hate hate the rumble stripes down almost every street
+Chick fil a yas!!!
Finally, I'll wrap this up by agreeing with the following positive people who commented, and say, YES, Egg Harbor Township is more than just mattress stores and Dollar General Stores. Egg Harbor Township is a great place to live!
+I moved here 8 years ago after I met my now husband. He’s born and raised here and I grew up in a much less diverse town. I work for the school district and love how I get to learn from all of my students and meet so many amazing people.
+The heart of Atlantic county with an awesome Community- close everything!!
+Awesome community with the BEST schools & close to everything, including the beach & boardwalk!
+Great place to raise my family. Awesome community, sports , volunteers, coaches, teachers, police and firefighters, parks , community center. I am proud to live and work in EHT
+You have the best of both worlds....Close to everything including the beach yet perfectly far away from all the hustle!
+As the “Heart of Atlantic County”, EHT is a one giant melting pot full of diverse people, places and establishments that encompass all the best thing South Jersey has to offer, just far enough inland to enjoy the peace and serenity of the woods and distance from the more congested tourist attractions, yet in the same breath, are there for your choosing and just a hop skip and jump away from all the attraction, like the beach/bay, boardwalks, casinos, fishing, hiking, kayaking etc, that draws tourists here in the first place! (NOTE: Longest sentence ever! But well said!)
Thank you to everyone who commented!
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