Life On The Bright Side – One Local Woman’s Quest to Support People With Autism and Their Families (WATCH)
When Isabelle Mosca's son, Kyle, was diagnosed with autism at the age of one and a half, there were not many support options for families of kids with special needs, so she decided to start her own support group called Faces 4 Autism. Kyle is now 22 and Faces 4 Autism has grown from a grassroots effort to a thriving non-profit that supports children, teens, and adults on the autism spectrum.
Faces 4 Autism provides education, resources, and opportunities to families in South Jersey who share common experiences. They are dedicated to improving the lives of people on the spectrum "through special opportunities and programs that will foster self-advocacy, independence, and dignity."
Isabelle shares her personal experiences with her son, the goal and mission of Faces, and her initiative to do 30 podcasts in 30 days in April which she calls Life On The Bright Side. In fact, after our podcast interview, Isabelle turned the tables and asked me to be a guest on her new podcast since I have a family member on the spectrum and have been advocating for special needs communities for years. Listen to her episode with me here.