What You Should Really Get From The Store When It Snows
Flakes have touched down here in South Jersey, let the panic begin.
While everyone else is running to the store to get milk, eggs, and bread you should go to the store for the real essentials. What are those essentials exactly? I'm so glad you asked. I got your back and will tell you exactly what you really need when it snows.
1. Wine:
Wine makes you feel all warm inside, which is exactly what you want when it's cold and snowing outside. Instead of grabbing milk, which is cold, grab a bottle or two of your favorite wine.
2. Cheetos:
I just really like Cheetos...
3. Netflix Subscription:
Okay, so you can't get this at a store, but you might need it. What are you going to do if you are snowed in? You need something to keep everyone entertained.
4. Portable Chargers:
If the power goes out portable chargers will be your saving grace. Who wants to keep running out to the car in the cold to charge your phone? No one, that's who. Pretty much every store carries these things. Stock up!
5. Cookie Baking Stuff:
Another way to pass the time is to bake some warm delicious cookies. It's better than playing board games to pass the time, there are cookies at the end of this.
6. Onesie Pajamas:
Get cozy with your wine, Cheetos, and Netflix with some warm onesie pajamas. That sounds like a dream come true.
7. Baileys or Rum:
You need spiked hot chocolate right?
Enjoy the snow and drive safe...or just stay home, that works too.
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