Labor Day weekend and whether or not you have kids in school,  we are all subconsciously on that school schedule and we all know Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer,as well as not wearing white shoes anymore, but that is another story. Labor Day weekend also signifies a new season and that can be a good time to set a or renew goal. If your new year’s resolution to get in shape fell a bit short, the fall season is a perfect time to hit the reset button. 

There’s a reason so many New Year’s resolutions to get in shape fade away by mid February. It is because we are going about correctly. Research shows that there’s a right way to create lasting habits.  Here is a quick overview of the steps to take for long term results.

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    Start Small

    Sure, we all should be exercising at least 30 minutes a day, five days per week, but that is a hefty goal for a  new workout program. It’s better to start with easy exercise goals you know you can achieve. As you meet them, you’ll build self-confidence and momentum. Then you can move on to more challenging goals.

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    Set Reminders

    Resarch shows that the most consistent exercisers rely on triggers, which are simply reminders—a time of day, a cue, a location that put you on autopilot to exercise.  For example, your alarm goes off and you put on your sneakers to go out for a walk. 

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    Choose Activities That You Like

    If you dislike the type of workout your are doing, you are not likely to stay with it. If you don't like running, don't run. There are a zillion ways to reach your fitness goals so pick an activity that fits your lifestyle and abiility. 

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    Make It Easy and Remove Obstacles

    Plan your workouts for the time of day when you’re most awake and energetic. If you’re not a morning person, for example, don’t make it tough on yourself by planning to workout before you got to work.  Overcome obstacles and plan ahead. If you go home after work to change for the gym and end up skipping it, pack a gym bag so you you can go straight to the fitness center.

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    Set Yourself Up For Success

    Plan physical activity just you plan a meeting or other important appointment.  Better yet, schedule a workout with a friend and you will be less likely to miss it.

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    Reward Yourself

    People who exercise regularly already reap rewards such as more energy, better sleep, and a greater sense of well-being. These are fantastic, but they are long-term.. When you’re starting an exercise program, it’s important to give yourself immediate rewards when you successfully complete a workout or reach a new fitness goal.

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